Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gotham: The Ballonman

      This week's episode revolved around the first vigilante taking the law into his own hands! The Balloonman targeted high profile and corrupted people in Gotham who held powerful positions. One by one he'd strap them to a weather balloon and off they floated away into the sky, to later fall dead (possibly on top of old ladies walking dogs - not cool!) In this episode we're shown different relationships between characters; Gordon and Bullock, Bruce and Alfred, Selina and Gordon, Barbara and Montoya... and they're almost all as satisfying as the next.

      Gordon and Bullock start to show a sort of chemistry, or rather functional working relationship that adds humor to the show, and a depth into Bullocks character. He's the kind of cop who gets dirty (when it benefits him of course) and knows his way around Gotham's streets, something that Gordon desperately lacks. As for Selina, this week we see her taking advantage of the information she holds over Gordon, and she's going to try and stretch that as long as necessary in order to not be sent upstate. Unfortunately for Gordon, this means that in order for him to keep his promise to Bruce, he's going to have to play along with Selina.

       Bruce and Alfred dynamic are certainly a favorite! We're shown as Alfred struggles to take care of Bruce, who doesn't even want to eat much anymore, and instead spends his time going over his parent's murder pictures looking for clues. Much of the episode hints at Bruce developing the interests that later will help him in becoming Batman. I've read and heard about people being a little annoyed at this, but I actually enjoy it. I understand how it feels like they're maybe trying too hard at foreshadowing Batman, and possibly even trying to use this as a technique to keep some people interested, but for me it's just a genuine look into Bruce's mind and development, and it honestly ends up being interesting and making us giddy!

    Meanwhile, Cobblepot is back in Gotham and brewing trouble - just slowly and steadily! He finds himself in desperate need of a job, and there's no better place to get back on your feet than at a restaurant that caters to famed mob boss Sal Maroni, who is Falcone's enemy. This gives Cobblepot an advantage to squirm his way back into Gotham's crime scene. The last thing we see in the episode is Oswald paying a very confused Gordon a house call, which brings to question, how the hell is Gordon talking his way out of this one?


       I'm really enjoying where they are going with Cobblepot's character, and I'm really looking forward to how Gordon is going to deal with him. I also adore the team dynamic between Gordon and Bullock, because it's giving them character development, while giving the show a comedic relief. Bruce and Alfred's "fight scene" was flat out adorable and it had me grinning from ear to ear for like five minutes. Another good dynamic was Gordon's and Selina's, but I have to agree with my brother with the fact that her presence in the show right now is unnecessary.

       One of the negatives to the episode would have to be Fish Mooney. I feel as though Jada is way overacting. Like, yes, we get it, for the past three episodes you have established that Falcone is going down. They really need to do something new with her character, because she got old real quick. Regarding the "villain" of the week, at first I was very confused because I though it was Professor Pyg but it turns out I was so very wrong. I enjoyed his M.O. mostly because it was hilarious, but I still think the show needs to up the villain game. I'm not asking for The Joker (they wouldn't dare to), but something that can make the show more interesting.

       I'm glad the show is getting better with every episode, and hope that in the end, they exceed all of our expectations.

I give the episode a 7.5


    I really appreciated all the hints of Bruce's development to becoming Batman, and the story of the first vigilante - especially the moment these two intertwine and Bruce says "He killed people, he's a criminal too." (or something of the sort) CHILLS.

    In essence, I think this episode showed us that the people of Gotham are sick of the double-faced law that only protects those in high places, and turns it's head to people in need. I really hope more vigilantes continue popping up - sticking fear and insecurity in to those who thought they were safe, and bringing hope to those who thought they were defenseless.

   The series is definitely getting better, and I'm so happy about that. The final scene, where Cobblepot comes to Gordon's apartment ended the episode on a very good and suspenseful note! What's going to happen now?! I'll stay tuned.

I give it a 7.5!

Geek Femmes Overall Score: 7.5

Check out next week's promo for episode 4, "Arkham", below!


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